Piano Tuner-Technician Course

~ Winning Independence as a Professional Piano Technician ~

Be your own boss; have your own business without an initial capital investment; work based on your interests instead of a set schedule; sell your skills instead of hours; do enjoyable work instead of tedious tasks; increase your financial prosperity by taking advantage of the lucrative opportunities in a less competitive profession - these are some of the benefits of the Independent Piano Technician!

How does this course differ from other Online Piano Technology Courses?

It's similar to other online courses, but there are differences. We have lots of instructional videos like other courses. But we differ in a few ways. One obvious difference is we teach aural tuning!

Take, for example, our written exams. They do not consist of multiple-choice questions. Instead of selecting from provided options, you must answer questions in your own words. Your responses will be reviewed and assessed, and you will receive appropriate feedback.

Our aural tuning exercises are many and specific. Our emphasis is on interval relationships. We're not just going to teach you aural tuning sequences, such as a certain temperament sequence used to establish equal temperament. Why? Because you need to understand how to work with the specific piano in front of you. Pianos come in different sizes and qualities. Learning just one sequence won't be sufficient. You need to understand how to adjust the temper of the different intervals to account for inharmonicity issues on the specific piano you’re working with in order to create a clean and pleasing tuning.

And what do you do if you need guidance? You can just go to the calendar and reserve a One-on-One Zoom tutoring session. You'll have a real, live teacher to guide you! With this course, you do have to pay for each tutoring session.

Another difference is the tuition fee. Why not check other schools and compare what they offer, what we offer, and what it costs?

I invite you to click "About the Course" on the menu above and, on the drop-down menu, read the article on "Correspondence vs. Online Distance Learning. I believe you'll find it very informative. Of course if you have any questions, please give me a call. I'll be very happy to talk with you!

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Learn how to aurally tune a piano

If you cannot afford, in time or money, to attend a one or two-year program at a residential school for piano technology, our piano tuning school is your best alternative. There isn't another school I am aware of that provides the personal, timely, and comprehensive instruction, particularly in aural tuning, you will receive here.

We cover all phases of aural piano tuning, including the concepts on which equal temperament is founded. This includes advanced tuning features not offered by other schools. We want our students to pass the PTG certification exams at a high level. We don't care too much for mediocrity.

Our students are in the United States and many countries worldwide, including Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Japan, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

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The Possibilities!

Suppose you want to become a professional piano technician, ready to handle routine tuning, service, and repair. Why not qualify as a Registered Piano Technician - RPT - a member of the Piano Technicians Guild? If you're already a member of the PTG, I invite you to enroll in the course to prepare to pass the PTG Certification Exams!

Here's a video you might enjoy watching to learn a little about where this profession could take you. I am very proud to introduce my brother, Rodney, who followed me as the chief concert technician at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.